First part of Gaudí's Barcelona on electric scooter


Barcelona is known worldwide for its rich architectural heritage.


Much of it is marked by the impressive works of Antoni Gaudí. Antoni Gaudí.


From the constantly evolving majesty of the Sagrada Familia to the imaginative Casa Batlló.

The city is dotted with the unique creations of this genius of Catalan modernism.


What better way to explore these architectural wonders than by electric scooter?


Rent&Ride offers you the opportunity to tour the emblematic places designed by Gaudí in a fast, comfortable and environmentally friendly way.


Imagine gliding effortlessly through the streets of Barcelona while admiring the extravagance of the Casa Milà or marveling at the surrealist forms of the Sagrada


With our electric scooters, every corner of Gaudi's Barcelona is at your fingertips.

